McKellar Stewart Kindergarten
Our kindergarten at Kensington provides an exciting learning experience for children in the year before school.
Building positive relationships with families helps us all to contribute to your child’s sense of belonging and wellbeing.
By providing an inviting and flexible learning environment we intentionally guide children to engage deeply in their learning about their world.
We view children as being competent and capable of developing learning dispositions as curious, creative and confident learners now and into the future.
Acknowledgement of Country
We at McKellar Stewart would like to say
To the Kaurna Nation for letting us share your land
We promise to look after it
The animals, plants and the people too.
About our Kindergarten
Please register your child for our wait list by completing a preschool enrolment registration form and sending it to the kindergarten.
Your child is entitled to access 4 terms (1 year) of government preschool in the year before they start school.
We are introducing a mid-year intake into preschool. This means from 2023 children who turn 4:
- before 1 May are eligible to start preschool at the beginning of the year.
- on 1 May to 31 October can start preschool through the mid-year intake at the beginning of term 3 of that year.
Regardless of whether your child starts at the beginning of the year, or through a mid-year intake they will undertake 4 terms of preschool.
If your child turns 4 after 31 October they can start preschool at the beginning of the following year.
If you are uncertain about the best time for your child to start preschool or feel your child may benefit from starting preschool later, please talk to us about your options.
If your child is Aboriginal or under guardianship (in care) they are eligible for 12 hours of preschool after they turn 3. They will then be eligible for 15 hours per week of preschool in the year before they start school.
Early entry:
If you have a child with disability or additional needs, they might be able to start preschool earlier if there are places available. Talk to us if this applies to you. Being given early entry to preschool does not guarantee early entry to school.
To find out which preschool is your local, click on the link below:
Find a school zone or preschool catchment area (education.sa.gov.au)
Enrolment offers:
2nd Round offers are made from September for families residing beyond these areas until our capacity is reached.
Children attending this kindergarten can also enrol for MPS Out of School Hours Care program from 4 years of age.
Once offered a placement, parents can choose either the Mon/ Tues group OR the Wed/Thurs group.
A different pattern of attendance may be discussed with the director to meet your individual or child’s diagnosed needs.
Policies & Procedures
Join us for a play at McKellar Stewart Kindergarten.
Playgroup is a wonderful opportunity to meet other families with children aged 0-5.
Our coordinator will run a group time of songs and stories at the end of the session.
All families are welcome. No booking necessary, just come along. Bring a healthy snack, hat and water bottle for your child/children.
9:30 – 11:00am Friday
(Excluding the last Friday of Term)
$5 per family
17A Regent Place, Kensington 5068
Contact Us
McKellar Stewart Kindergarten
Director: Ms Kate Edwards
Phone: 08 8431 6565
Email: dl.4632.leaders@schools.sa.edu.au
Fax: 08 8364 6873
17A Regent Place, Kensington SA 5068
Education Office: Felixstow
Partnership: Central East
McKellar Stewart Kindergarten
17A Regent Place Kensington SA 5068